Registration > Registration instructionsRegistration InstructionsImportant: The registration deadline is Thursday, June 22. The registration fees are in euros. APS members and PhD students/retired pay a reduced registration fee. APS members: Registration 340€ (after May 1st, 2023: 470€) Non-APS members: Registration 350€ (after May 1st, 2023: 470€) PhD students/retired: 175€ (after May 1st, 2023: 250€) Refund policy: prior to May 1st, 2023
Once your registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email within a few days.
Registration can be paid either by credit card or bank transfer.
(For participants of french institutions: Pour les paiements des inscriptions par bons de commande, merci de les transmettre à nathalie.benito@univ-lorraine.fr)
We appologize in advance, but our payment platform does not allow payments with American Express.
Would you have any technical problem during the registration and payment process, do not hesitate to contact us at
You need to log in the website to register. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking on Login as the image below shows.
When you click on the arrow, choose the "Create account" option. Once your account is created, you will receive an email from Sciencesconf asking you to validate your account creation request. Click on the validation link provided in the email to validate your account creation. IMPORTANT: once you have clicked on that link, you might receive an error message like 'invalid token' or 'this page does not exist'. It does not matter, your account has been created successfully - and you can then log in to the website by clicking 'Login'. You will then be able to register and pay the registration fee.
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