Confirmed invited sessions

  • Adan, Ivo (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) - Random walks and product forms
  • Agrawal, Shubhada (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)- Learning, Optimization and Applied Probability
  • Avrachenkov, Kostia (Inria Sophia Antipolis, France)- Network inference I
  • Avrachenkov, Kostia (Inria Sophia Antipolis, France)/ Ayesta, Urtzi (CNRS IRIT, France)- Reinforcement learning
  • Ayhan, Hayriye (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States) - Control of Queueing Systems
  • Baccelli, François (Inria, France) / Foss, Sergey (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom) - Infinite-dimensional queueing/communication systems
  • Baccelli, François (Inria, France) / Foss, Sergey (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom) - Mean-field approach for analysis of complex stochastic systems I
  • Backhausz, Agnes (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary) - Random graphs and matrices
  • Banerjee, Sid (Cornell University, United States) - Online decision making
  • Ben Hamou, Anna (Sorbonne University, LPSM, France) - Random walks on random graphs
  • Bhulai, Sandjai (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)- Modern techniques in Markov decision problems
  • Brown, David (Duke University, United States) - Advances in Experimentation and Dynamic Models
  • Buke, Burak (The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)- Many-Server Queues
  • Burnetas, Apostolos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) - Strategic queueing III
  • Busic, Ana (ENS/Inria, France) - Stochastic matching and applications
  • Carassus, Laurence (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard De Vinci, France) - Robust finance
  • Castellanos, Antonio (University of Chicago, United States) - Queueing Systems with Predictions
  • Champagnat, Nicolas / Villemonais, Denis (Inria Nancy/Université de Lorraine) - Quasi-stationary distributions in numerical stochastic methods and statistics
  • Chen, Xinyun (CUHK Shenzhen, China) - Learning and queueing theory
  • Coculescu, Delia (University of Zurich, Switzerland) - Risk measures in finance and insurance
  • Cohen, Asaf (University of Michigan, United States) - Mean-Field Limits and their Applications
  • Comte, Céline (CNRS, France) - Online stochastic matching: a diversity of viewpoints
  • Coron, Camille (Université Paris Sud, France) - Stochastic models for ecology and evolution
  • Daw, Andrew (University of Southern California, United States) / Yom-Tov, Galit (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) - Hawkes Processes: New Models and Theory
  • De Saporta, Benoîte (Université de Montpellier, France) - Learning while controling: crossroads between stochastic control and statistical learning
  • Decreusefond, Laurent (Télécom Paris, France) - Stein method I
  • Decreusefond, Laurent (Télécom Paris, France) - Stein method II
  • Dong, Jing (Columbia University, United States) - Efficient scheduling and resource allocation
  • Dorsman, Jan-Pieter (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)/ Righter, Rhonda (IEOR UC Berkeley, United States) / Gardner, Kristen (Amherst College, United States) - Load balancing I
  • Dorsman, Jan-Pieter (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)/ Righter, Rhonda (IEOR UC Berkeley, United States) / Gardner, Kristen (Amherst College, United States) - Load balancing II
  • Dorsman, Jan-Pieter (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)/ Righter, Rhonda (IEOR UC Berkeley, United States) / Gardner, Kristen (Amherst College, United States) - Load balancing III
  • Fraiman, Nicolas (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States) - Algorithms on random graphs
  • Fricker, Christine (Inria Paris, France) - Mean-field approach for analysis of complex stochastic systems II
  • Goulart, Henrique (IRIT, France) - Random matrices and random tensors in data analysis and machine learning
  • Hachem, Walid (CNRS, Université Gustave Eiffel, France) - Large random matrices and statistical learning
  • Hasenbein, John (The University of Texas at Austin, United States) - Strategic queueing IV
  • Haviv, Moshe (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) - Strategic queueing I
  • Henderson, Shane (Cornell University, United States) - Healthcare
  • Henry, Benoît (Institut Mines Télécom, France) - Stochastic geometry
  • Hu, Yue (University of Chicago, United States) - Queueing theory and its applications
  • Huang, Junfei (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)/ Xie, Jingui (Technical University of Munich, Germany)- Stochastic models and their application
  • Ibrahim, Rouba (UCL, United Kingdom) - Scheduling in service systems
  • Jonckheere, Matthieu (CNRS, France) - Probabilistic tools for learning
  • Kanavetas, Odysseos (Leiden University, Netherlands) - Strategic queueing V
  • Kazi-Tani, Nabil (Université de Lorraine, France)- Recent advances in actuarial science
  • Koole, Ger (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Call centers
  • Lelarge, Marc (Inria, France)- Graph matching and planted models in random graphs
  • Leskela, Lasse (Aalto University, Finland) - Network inference II
  • Litvak, Nelly (University of Twente, Netherlands) - Spatial network models
  • Loisel, Stéphane (ISFA, Univ. Lyon 1, France) - Actuarial mathematics and quantitative risk management
  • Maguluri, Siva Theja (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)- Stochastic processing networks
  • Mijatovic, Aleks (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)- Simulation, Estimation and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Levy Processes
  • Murthy, Karthyek (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)- Advances in stochastic modelling for decision-making under uncertainty
  • Namkoong, Hongseok (Columbia Business School, United States) - Frontiers in sequential learning
  • Nazarathy, Yoni (The University of Queensland, Australia) - Applied Probability for COVID-19
  • Olvera-Cravioto, Mariana (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States) - Graph dynamics
  • Olvera-Cravioto, Mariana (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States) - Processes on graphs
  • Penington, Sarah (University of Bath, United Kingdom) - Branching processes and their applications
  • Perchet, Vianney (ENS Paris-Saclay & criteo AI Lab, France) - Online and dynamic matchings
  • Ramanan, Kavita (Brown University, United States) - Measure-valued process limits of stochastic networks
  • Ravner, Liron (University of Haifa, Israel) - Statistical inference for queueing systems
  • Rhee, Chang-Han (Northwestern University, Unites States) - Rare Events: Large Deviations, Simulation, and AI
  • Robert, Philippe (Inria, France) - Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks
  • Robert, Philippe (Inria, France) - Stochastic Models of Biology
  • Sanders, Jaron (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) - Stochastic learning in structured systems
  • Shi, Pengyi (Purdue University, United States) - Learning algorithms for managing service systems
  • Shneer, Seva (Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom) / Zocca, Alessandro (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Mathematics of energy
  • Stolletz, Raik (University of Mannheim, Germany) - Stochastic modeling of manufacturing and service operations
  • Stolyar, Alexander (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States) - Large-scale and heavy-traffic models
  • Torrisi, Giovanni (CNR-IAC, Rome, Italy) - Topics on point processes models : theory and applications
  • Tran, Viet Chi (Université Gustave Eiffel, France) - Contact-tracing
  • Varma, Sushil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)/ Zubeldia, Martin (University of Minnesota, United States)- Stochastic Matching Networks and their Applications
  • Wang, Weina (Carnegie Mellon University, United States) - Queues, bandits, and reinforcement learning
  • Weiss, Gideon (The University of Haifa, Israel) - Applications of Dynamic Matching
  • Xu, Kuang (Stanford University, United States) - Experimentation and Learning with Stochastic Models
  • Zähle, Henryk (Saarland University, Germany) - Stability and statistical inference of stochastic optimization problems in quantitative risk management
  • Zhan, Dongyuan (UCL, United Kingdom) - Strategic queueing II
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